if your a wrestler already registered in the xhw and didn't get the e-mail or just accidentally found this site looking for a kewl e-fed let me state the following. As of today (5-31-02) the xhw is officially closed till further notice. For the following reasons.
1. lack of RP - I needed people to RP, the ones that did were good but not enough to keep it interesting.
2. lack of interest - tried and tried to get new wrestlers but none seemed to be interested
3. too much stuff going on to give the fed the attention I need to make it good
those are the big 3. I may reopen as some point in the future. If anyone is interested in joining you can still send me the info and I'll reply to you via e-mail. I regret having to close down cause I really enjoyed my time here but unfortunately there are just some things you can't control. I may still write some stuff every now and again so feel free to check back every so often. Well I guess this is good-bye...............for now
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